
I am an MS student in Computer Science at Boston University specializing in Cybersecurity who loves solving problems centred around privacy and security using software engineering and cryptography as my tools.
My goal is to be part of teams that tackle issues with blockchain, finance, and personal data privacy. I want to be in an environment where my mentors are my teammates and my teammates are my mentors.

I currently work as a Graduate Research Assistant at Boston Unversity's Hariri Institute for Computing. I work on designing and building an end-to-end, cross-platform framework for privacy sensitive automated contact tracing. Our team is supervised by Professor Ari Trachtenberg.

I love to feed my curiosity with projects such as those featured below and in my free time I like to play soccer, cook from Gordon Ramsay's YouTube videos, and tell people that Manchester City are the best team in the land and all the world.